Survey Says....
Hi All, Please check out the results for the survey from FALA here, The survey discussed parents' concerns...

Food Allergy Survey Regarding MA Schools Reopening: Please Complete and Share!
Hi Everyone! Please take a few minutes to fill out this anonymous survey about your concerns, as a food allergy family in Massachusetts....
On Healing from Food Allergy Trauma: A Therapist’s and Food Allergy Mom’s Perspective
An extremely important topic related to food allergies is trauma. The more families I meet, the more I am convinced trauma plays a big...

Please Consider a 504 for Food Allergies in School: A Plan for Inclusion, Safety, and Prevention
There is a false assumption that schools already have adequate policies and procedures in place that cover the specific needs of all...

The Fatigue and Balance of Managing Risk
Life threatening food allergies are hard; they are an invisible disability that many people are simply not aware of. As you go through...

Got Results?
So......we are waiting patiently (not really) for next Tuesday when my daughter will be tested to see if her milk patch is working. She...

Sophie Safe Doughnuts
Around New Year's Eve I had a strange inclination to try to make doughnuts from scratch. Yet, how could I make them, egg, dairy, and nut...

Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins
Ingredients 2 and 1/2 cups of all purpose flour 1 tbsp baking powder 1 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 cup of unsalted dairy free...
I'm Thankful for Food Allergies
I read a great Instagram handle the other day called @screwyou_treenuts. And I love it. I get it. That's exactly how I feel about food...

Allergy Stress, Anxiety, and Trauma: An Allergy Mom and Therapist's Perspective
I'd like to address something that is not usually discussed within food allergy clinics, but I think is an important topic that affects...